Where next after COP26?

After COP26, we are left with many declarations and net zero targets, but also more and more people looking for ways to take action.

Join the She is (Still) Sustainable community for a virtual event on Monday 6th December from 11.30-1pm to explore the following questions:

What have we learned from the COP?

How can we generate the energy to go beyond the rhetoric and lead the change that is needed?

What skills, knowledge and mindsets do we need to make a difference?

Apply here for your free ticket.

In this interactive session you will

  • Hear from inspiring women who have attended the COP and who will share their insights.
  • Connect with other women working in sustainability and explore how to move forward positively in your work and your personal life.

This will be an interactive session and as well as hearing insights from our speakers, participants will be discussing the issues with other professional women in small group discussions.

She is Sustainable is based in the UK. We welcome people joining the event from other locations – some of the discussion will be specific to the context here.

Speakers include

Prof. Becky Willis, Professor of Energy & Climate Governance at Lancaster University, https://www.rebeccawillis.co.uk/

Dr. Emma Fieldhouse, Director, Future We Want, https://futurewewant.co.uk/about-us.html

Ipsita Bhatia, Count Us In Partnerships Manager, Leaders’ Quest, https://leadersquest.org/who-we-are/people/ipsita-bhatia/

Solitaire Townsend, Futerra https://uk.linkedin.com/in/solitairetownsend (tbc)